Leeds will host the UK’s largest mental capacity conference on 17 October. The event will bring together leading legal and healthcare experts to tackle important issues surrounding mental capacity law.
Alison has worked in the legal sector for 22 years. She is a Director, Solicitor and the Head of our Court of Protection Health and Welfare department.
Switalskis Solicitors Ltd
5-7 Ramsden Street
Alison is a Higher Rights Civil Advocate and a Law Society Accredited Legal Representative panel member.
Navigating the complexities of the Mental Capacity Act requires deep knowledge and sensitivity. Sections 15 and 16 of the Mental Capacity Act focus on the lawful detention and treatment of individuals with mental health disorders. Section 21A focuses on the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), ensuring that the protected party's (P) human rights aren't breached. Alison's work in the Court of Protection Health and Welfare includes:
Alison is a compassionate and caring solicitor with decades of experience working with children and then the protected party and their families in the Court of Protection. She has an excellent reputation in the field of Court of Protection and is trusted by advocates, local authorities and other specialists in the field.
“Michael Kennedy, Leesa Hullah and Alison Kaye are excellent. What shines through is their dedication to putting the wishes and feelings of P first and striving to achieve the best outcome for P.”
The Legal 500
Leeds will host the UK’s largest mental capacity conference on 17 October. The event will bring together leading legal and healthcare experts to tackle important issues surrounding mental capacity law.
Switalskis is celebrating three new appointments and a qualification achievement in its Court of Protection Health and Welfare (CoP) team.