Sarah Cookson takes a look at buying your first property and gives some advice on shared ownership.
Sarah Cookson takes a look at buying your first property and gives some advice on shared ownership.
An online divorce system has recently been launched by the Ministry of Justice, but is it worth it?
Super injunctions! You’ve heard all about them… but what are they?
Developers need to keep a keen focus on the detail if they want their new build development to run smoothly. We share tips and advice to help prevent costly and time consuming non-compliance issues arising.
Ensuring the smooth sales of new build residential properties can be a complicated process, which is where a property development solicitor can play a crucial role.
A well-drafted, clear and enforceable management agreement provides certainly for all parties involved in new build developments.
Looking at the key steps involved in the legal set up of a new residential development and how these steps can be completed effectively to ensure overall efficiency of the development.
Failing to transfer public open spaces can expose both developers and management companies to preventable risks.