Childcare proceedings are a difficult and tumultuous time for everyone involved, including the children themselves. It is with this in mind that we celebrate foster care fortnight.
Childcare proceedings are a difficult and tumultuous time for everyone involved, including the children themselves. It is with this in mind that we celebrate foster care fortnight.
Switalskis has strengthened its Child Care Law department with the appointment of ex-local authority solicitor advocate, Alex Henderson.
Care lawyers at Switalskis are backing a proposed plan to change the law to better recognise the ways in which perpetrators of domestic abuse coerce and control their partners.
Charlotte Worsley (Head of PSQB Family Team) led by Will Tyler QC instructed by myself, appeared before Mr Justice Francis on behalf of the Children’s Guardian in a successful appeal to reopen findings made in 2015.
A depressed skull fracture in a baby was found to have not been caused by the young mother following care proceedings.