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Finn Hall: Inquest conclusion not as family hoped

By Tamlin Bolton

Published In: Clinical Negligence

The family of 16 year old Finn Hall are disappointed with the verdict delivered by HM Coroner Angela Brocklehurst.

16 year old Finn Hall, from Huddersfield, died a self-inflicted death at his home in Keighley in November 2022. Finn had been struggling with mental health issues for many years, but his family constantly felt that he did not receive enough support or information from the mental health services involved in his care to help him.

An inquest was held week commencing 30 July 2024 to investigate the circumstances that led to Finn’s tragic death. The Inquest was held before HM Coroner Angela Brocklehurst, who indicated she would consider if the circumstances leading to Finn’s death were due to a breach of his Human Rights Act Article 2 rights the right to life. In her conclusion, having heard all the evidence she stated that Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust provided "significant support" to Finn.

The outcome of the inquest was extremely disappointing for Finn’s family who are of the view that the Trust should have done more. In their own internal investigation, the Trust concluded that there were failures to escalate Finn’s deteriorating condition and that his safety plan was not bespoke to him as a patient. Since Finn's death the Trust has implemented several changes, including how they involve young people and families in care decisions and enhanced training for clinicians.

Whilst the changes the Trust have introduced are a step in the right direction, the family are disappointed that the Coroner did not make further recommendations for change, which they believe are essential to prevent other families from experiencing the same devastating loss as they did.

Tamlin Bolton, Senior Associate Solicitor, continues to represent Finns family in a civil claim against the Trust.

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Tamlin has been in the legal sector for over eight years. She is a Senior Associate Solicitor in our Medical Negligence team.

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