Barts Health NHS Trust: maternity services need improvement
By Clare Gooch
Barts Health NHS Trust have been recently criticised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for maternity services provided at Whipps Cross Hospital, The Royal London Hospital, Barking Birth Centre and The Barkantine Centre on the Isle of Dogs.

The Barkantine Centre is reported to have been given its lowest rating ‘inadequate’ and has been warned that they require significant improvement in leadership and managing risks within the unit. Inspectors reported that staff did not always effectively assess, monitor and manage risks to people using services so there were missed opportunities to minimise harm.
The Royal London, in Whitechapel was reported to not have enough staff to take care of women and keep them safe. The CQC downgraded its service to ‘requires improvement’ to ensure the issues identified are seen to. Similarly, Barking Birth Centre was downgraded to ‘requires improvement’ for similar issues.
It goes without saying that the safety of women and babies must come first and it is hoped that the issues highlighted by the CQC are acted upon imminently to ensure that women and babies are being put first.
We act for so many families who have suffered as a result of poor maternity care. Babies have died or been brain damaged , parents have suffered trauma and mothers have suffered obstetric injury.
We encourage anyone who has been affected by care received from Barts Health NHS Trust to contact us so that we can begin to support you too. Call 0800 138 0458 or email