Delyth has worked in the legal sector for 35 years. She’s a specialist in Medical Negligence law.
Switalskis Solicitors Ltd
Unit 8B, Redbrook Business Park
Wilthorpe Road Barnsley
S75 1JN
Delyth has a background in dealing with:
She is a specialist in medical negligence. Most of her current cases are for children with birth or injuries - although, she does regularly act for:
Delyth is particularly interested in consent and capacity.
A young Delyth came into the law to help people. She is diligent, hard-working, and compassionate. She takes a serious, thoughtful, approach to try and make the law work for her clients and fights tenaciously for them.
Delyth is also extremely approachable, and her Welsh roots give her a great sense of fair play.
She has worked almost exclusively for injured people and their families since qualifying as a solicitor in 1990.
Delyth is a member of the Legal Aid Steering Committee for the Human Growth Hormone (Hgh) / CJD Litigation (first successful multi-party litigation of its kind); which ran majority of lead psychiatric injury claims and ‘worried well’ cases.
She is part of the team at the BSE Inquiry for the families; she helped negotiate the vCJD Scheme (most generous government scheme at the time) and ran many families’ claims.
Previous cases have included:
“One of the most sympathetic and empathetic solicitors I work with.”
Medical Negligence Barrister