Greater Manchester Police have announced that they have arrested 3 men in relation to sex and drugs offences against children as part of Operation Green Jacket, a large police investigation into child sexual exploitation (“CSE”) in the city.
Greater Manchester Police have announced that they have arrested 3 men in relation to sex and drugs offences against children as part of Operation Green Jacket, a large police investigation into child sexual exploitation (“CSE”) in the city.
In 2016 David Greenwood wrote about Jack Mount, who was facing over 50 charges relating to sex offences against children. The trial, which was due to commence in June 2016, was unable to go ahead due to Jack Mount’s ill health. The Court deemed him unfit to stand trial.
A further 15 men have been arrested as part of an ongoing investigation into historic child abuse offences in Rotherham, Operation Stovewood, which is being headed by the National Crime Agency.
In July 2019 after 7 weeks of hearings, countless witnesses and tens of thousands of pages of evidence the IICSA Anglican hearings came to an end. At that point all those following closely knew what had gone wrong and why.
The inquest into the death of Baby Wynter Andrews concluded yesterday, with the coroner stating that “obvious neglect” had contributed to Wynter’s death.
Our Child Abuse department is currently investigating abuse of children and young people placed in Stamford House Remand Centre on Goldhawk Road, Shepherd’s Bush, in the 1970s and 1980s.
This week is Action for Brain Injury Week 2020. This annual initiative is run by thebrain injury charity Headwayto raise awareness of the many ways that a brain injury can affect not only survivors, but also their family and friends.
On 21 September the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (“the Inquiry”) began its hearing which explores child sexual exploitation (“CSE”).