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Injury Awareness Week 2024

By Katrina Elsey

Published In: Personal Injury

This year the Association of Personal Injury L:awyers (APIL) will focus on the impact of avoidable workplace injuries.

At Switalskis, workplace safety is our top priority. Injury Awareness Week allows us to reinforce our commitment to a safe, productive, and supportive work environment.

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Injury Awareness Week, 24-28 June, is a time dedicated to not just acknowledging the reality of workplace injuries but to inspiring change and fostering a culture of care and prevention.

All of us have a role to play in making workplaces safer so this week, lets commit to making safety a priority.

 Here are our key dos and don’ts for Injury Awareness Week


  • Encourage open communication. Create an environment where employees feel safe to voice their concerns and suggestions about workplace safety.
  • Conduct regular safety inspections to identify and address potential hazards.
  • Promote ergonomics – offer ergonomic assessments and adjustments for each employee’s workspace and provide tips on maintaining good posture.
  • Implement and conduct regular training sessions.


  • Skip training – don’t let busy schedules push back safety training sessions. Regular safety training is essential to keep everyone safe.
  • Ignore near-misses – investigate and make necessary changes.
  • Use inadequate safety equipment. Safety equipment should meet the highest standards. Compliance with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 is essential.
  • Forget to update safety protocols. This is crucial to maintaining a safe and compliant workplace.

Every year thousands of workers across the UK suffer accidents at work, some of which unfortunately lead to fatalities or can be life changing.

Common workplace injuries can include slips, trips and falls.

Workplace injuries can be prevented but it takes a collective effort and a commitment to safety.

 At Switalskis we're proud to champion this cause and work towards a future where every workplace is a safe place.

If you've been injured in the workplace and would like to have a no obligation chat with one of our personal injury specialists, call 01302 320621 or email



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Katrina has over 25 years’ experience in the legal sector. She is a Senior Associate Litigation Executive in the Personal Injury department.

Senior Associate Litigation Executive

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